
Howdy, Welcome to my extended memory, this site on Internet:

Learning takes many forms and all one’s life time. Some of us are really good with numbers and while others are in visualization, spatial awareness or reasoning and so on. Do we know what we are good at? Or what we are not so good at? Very very importantly Why? Self discovery is and must be an important process in everyone’s life. If you consider yourself as a vehicle, not in philosophical term, but literally as a vehicle to reach a destination which denotes a goal, then you must know what it is best at, where it demands time in garage and so on. If you own a car; look no further and you know better.

I reckon, knowing my weakness can be my biggest strength. Therefore search is always about my weaknesses. Since my childhood, I have been trying to determine what my intellectual weakness really are : I sort of come to realization that I can dissect, rationalize, reason out, and come up with competitive solutions to problems – that is the natural part of me. What is not so natural to me is my long term memory of current learning. Before my natural part of brain kicks in to action, it needs contextual information of past learning of techniques, importantly failed ones..otherwise it is forced into re-learn and load into working memory these information before it can proceed with the current problem in hand. I found out this retrieval of information is not so natural to me and a bottleneck. I have pinpointed this to be my weakness – it is a victory.

This realization is important. Very Very Important Indeed. Because now I have a problem well defined and ready to be tackled; rather than this abstract issue I have with my brain. I can now take up on any challenge as long as I have a solution to this problem. I have, ever since been finding ways to mitigate this issue and succeeding – Perhaps I’ll blog on them later. May be that’s why I like coding. Given a problem, the immediate tools I need in my working memory are already there for me. One cat away (Unix cat command) is the documentation on all the libraries. One click away on the Internet are the information fetched by my favorite search engine – this world is natural extension to my brain that does not have above biological limitation. It is now natural to me – a glimpse of future is already here: Wearable devises are going to achieve just this.

So writing this blog is all about recording my learning both correct and incorrect in this extended memory..Here,  I express my views, I record my learning – mostly my understanding, I record my mistakes, so that they are one click away like everything else on the Internet. If you happen to find them useful nothing else would make me more happy. If you could correct my mistakes and help me set my extended memory straight, it would make me happier.



Record Updated On 25th May, 2014 Anno Domini




@author - Senthu Sivasambu, is an artist and a technology enthusiast

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